And yes this is an actual aerial photo printed in the Alexander City Newspaper in Alabama. It's kind of like a Where's Waldo to try and find your boat!
This was the coolest boat trip we've been on. Everyone was just tied up to each other, floating in the water, hanging out and having a "GOOD TIME"
Yep you guessed it, none other than our home town celebrity (well he is from the same county not really the same town but hey Coweta County ain't that big)
Mr. Alan Jackson performed a concert. And you had to float up to see it. (Drew, Payton & I did not make the concert - I couldn't imagine trying to be up there with all those people (mostly drunk rednecks) in the water and trying to keep Payton safe and happy - so we headed back before it got too crazy. But Kimmie assured me it was worse then Country Fair (for those of you that have been, I can only imagine what kind of shenanigans were witnessed) But yes, this is really what it was like watching that concert.
These folks are not on a lawn, they are in the lake, with rafts and floats, and beer and who know what else! It was crazy I'm sure.
But since I don't have any fabulous crazy redneck stories to tell you, I will just leave you with some fabulously cute pictures of Payton and some of her #1 fans!
Drew thinks she'll be wakeboarding next summer. Ha Ha Ha! She can't even walk a straight line!
It was a nice weekend getaway. We had a lot of fun, soaking up the sun, listening to some great music, and enjoying each other's company.

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