I can not believe that my sweet baby is 11 months old already. I also can not believe that I am planning a 1st birthday party.
I just felt like I should let everyone know all the things that Payton is doing now and all the things I have learned about being a mom in these last 11 months.
-She walks (well waddles - but it's cute)
-She says "Go", "No" "BoBo" (the dog), "da" (dad), "Papa" (and always in a whisper because that's how my dad says it to her), "thank you" (or at least what sounds like it), "here", "mine", "baba" (bottle),"yoe" (which I think is hello because she says it into the phone), "hey", and the rest sounds like Chinese to me.
-She waves and says "hey" to everyone - and I mean everyone!
-She plays very well by herself
-She loves music and will clap and dance anytime it's on.
-She can sit and watch a movie
-She can feed her self (not yet with utensils - but hey this is the south who needs a fork anyway)
-She eats anything you give her (I hope she stays un-picky)
-She likes to ride (on anything, her little car, the stroller, the tractor, daddy's truck, the four wheeler, the boat)
Some of her favorite things right now are:
-The dogs
-Her push behind car
-Telephones (real or fake)
-Mum-Mum cookies
She has such a personality - it's amazing to me to watch her discover new things everyday.
Some of the things that I have learned, that no one ever seems to tell you, so I am going to tell all of you...weather you are a soon-to-be mom, a mom of a little one who hasn't done these things yet, or a mom who has forgotten what it is like.
-No one ever told me how much you could love someone, and if they did it doesn't even amount to 1/2 of what you really feel for your child
-Being a mom is a hard job - the hardest job I've ever had - but the benefits are sure worth it.
-You learn that you are a mom before you are anything else.
-The FDA recommends 8 hours of sleep - ha ha ha ha - I'm luck if I get 5 hours.
-Your house is a never ending mess - no matter how much you clean.
-The laundry is never really ALL done
-Almost everything in your house is breakable
-Almost nothing is childproof
-Even when you think there is no way she can do that - she will
-Babies are a lot smarter than we think
-Rocking a sleeping baby at the end of the day melts all the stress away
-I need coffee in an IV drip in the mornings
-Your baby will constantly amaze you
-6 week haircuts - ha ha ha - try every 4 months
-Any earring can be pulled out of your ear
-Men really never get it (and I'm not talking about only spouses - and no offense men - it's just the way you are wired)
-Great Bosses are hard to come by (and I am thankful for mine)
-Your child will not do tricks on command
-Only go to restaurants that are loud (and quick to serve the food)
-Children's clothes and shoes are a waste of money but I can't help myself
-The box is better than the toy
-Wear flat shoes - ALWAYS
-You can never take too many pictures (you can however pay ALOT of money for them to be printed and give your husband a heart attack)
-Most baby things are not worth the money you pay for them, and you don't have to have the most expensive equipment. (well with exception to my car seat and stroller)
-People say the rudest things
-People say the nicest things
-Only other mom's get it
-You have a non-existent social life - even planning lunch with your friends seems impossible.
-There is no such thing as just running to the store
-Never leave home without snacks
-Trade items with friends - chances are they were only used or worn a few times
-Some people are really bad parents
-My family is the best family EVER
-And that's about it - other than never, and I mean never run out of wipes!!!!!!
Well that's about it - can't believe the time has gone so quickly - I know I am going to blink and she's going to be starting kindergarten.

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