Tuesday, April 28, 2009

March of Dimes

This past Saturday, my best friend and her mom were walking in the March of Dimes in Newnan. They asked us if we would like to join them. How could we pass up walking for babies on such a beautiful day with great company.
Let me tell you too, it was a looooonnnnnnggggg walk.

Here we are waiting to get going, Gigi (Miss Donna) Payton, Me, and Auntie A
Payton was ready to get going. She loves to go on walks. She was a good girl the whole time.

This is were it started. It was a great turnout!

Here we are just walking and walking and walking. They said it was a 3 mile walk but we all agreed it had to be way more then 3 miles. If any of you are familiar with Newnan, we started in the Park downtown, and then made our way through all the historic neighborhoods, up around Newnan High School, back through the residential area, and circled back to the park. Whew- that makes me tired just typing it. But it was for a great cause!
And here's reaching the finish line. Look closely, GiGi is carrying Payton. She was tired of riding in her stroller I guess, and we had to carry her the last 1/2 mile. You wouldn't believe how heavy 17 pounds can be until you've walked 3 miles and have to carry her the last stretch. Good thing we took turns.
If you are not familiar with March of Dimes, they are a charity that sponsors research for premature babies and the complications that come along with being premature.

It was a great way to spend a Saturday morning. Even if my legs do still hurt!

Payton is 6 Months Old!!!!

It is hard to believe that my sweet baby is 6 months old already. It feels like yesterday we were bringing her home. I know now why my mom feels like time just flew by. They really do grow so fast. She is such a fun baby. She has so much personality and she loves to laugh and play.
We celebrated her turning 1/2 a year old. Grammy, Papa, MiMi, Grandma Kathy and Grandpa John all came over to join us. Daddy grilled some fabulous chicken and we had mini cupcakes.

Payton enjoyed everyone and loves to play on the floor.
Here's a few pictures to share.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Love Love Love to get a Bath!

I sure am my daddy's child. I love the water! I love getting a bath.
Today Ms. Amy let me and Carsyn have Popsicles - and boy was that fun and messy. So messy that we had to get a bath.
I love to play and splash in the bath. I especially love when Carsyn gets to play in the bath with me too!

And Just in Case you Didn't Notice

Payton is Sitting ALL BY HERSELF!!!!!!!


The message of Easter is one of the best teachings in the Christian religion. New life, forgiveness, and unconditional love.
Now, anyone who knows me, knows that Church & Religion are a never ending self battle for me. But at no other point in my life have I felt this close to Jesus. I have no doubt that babies are miracles and everything they do leaves me in amazement. I have never felt so much love and pride as I do now that I am a mom. I thank God everyday for the blessings of family and friends. I know that I would not be who I am today had God not placed the people in my life who mean the most to me.
We hope everyone had a great Easter.
Here's a run down of our day.

The Easter Bunny Came!!!!!!

He brought lot of goodies - that I wanted all out of the basket as fast as I could get them out!
Note to all you mom's of little ones out there -I have discovered (by way of Amy) Wee Squeaks shoes. These shoes have squeakers in them - they help little ones with walking - and they help mom's keep up with their older kids too. They're too cute!
Then we went to church and visited with Great-Grandma E. Everyone in church sure did ooh and ahh over me. My daddy was one proud man. And I was so good. I loved when the choir sang and my Grandma Kathy kept me entertained. I didn't even cry one time.

Then we stopped by Grandma Kathy and Grandpa John's house because the Easter Bunny must have gotten confused and thought he needed to leave a Basket there. Must be because of the same last name. Grandma Kathy called him and he said I've been so good I could keep it anyway.
I was so excited I couldn't help laughing.

And then I was getting hungry and the basket looked pretty yummy.

We took some quick family pictures.....
..... and then headed to Grammy and Papa's house.
I was such a good girl...
.... that the Easter bunny left me another present at Grammy and Papa's house.
But when my mommy put me down to take my picture the grass seemed much more interesting then anything else going on.
Good thing MiMi was there to get me to look at the camera. And then we had and Egg Hunt - and RL helped me find Eggs.

Hippity Hoppity

Hippity Hoppity - EASTER's on it's way!
Well now it's done and over with - but I totally meant to post this picture before Easter!

Going to Sleep.....on our Own

So since Payton is about to hit that 6 month mark - Drew and I decided it was time to start letting her fall asleep on her own. I know I know - but it's time. We all need to start sleeping through the night consistently.
She's been doing pretty good. (If she stays on her schedule)
Thursday night she cried (and it was really more of a whine) for like 1 min. and then fell asleep.
Drew and I couldn't believe it - so like any new parents we rushed in her room to make sure she hadn't suffocated or something.
And this is how we found her. Arm up over the bumper pads holding on to it like her daddy does to her when he lays with her.
How sweet.
She slept from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. !!!!