Thursday, September 11, 2008

Being Pregnant Togther!!

I have to say from the moment I found out that Kye & LeAnne (Drew's cousin who's like a brother and his wife) were pregnant - I started planning all kinds of activities for our kids to do together before they were even born - even before they knew they were having a boy!

I am glad that someone so close to us is pregnant at the same time because it's fun to share all the ups and downs with someone who is going thru the exact same thing at the exact same time.

Drew and Kye are about 6 months apart and when Payton and Cole get here they will be only 11 weeks apart! It is going to be soooo much fun. All the cousins will have kids so close in age.

Summers at the lake with Kate, Steven, Payton & Cole! Can you just imagine!

But I am so grateful to LeAnne for always being there when I need to vent, or share good news, or just ask hey do you ever feel like this. Thank you LeeLee I love you!!!!

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