My cousin Kora tagged me from her blog to tell 7 things about myself that most of you would not know. This going to be hard because there are really not any surprising facts about me that ya'll wouldn't know - so I apologize in advance if there not juicy secrets. Here goes.....
1.) I make my own greeting cards - for everything - birthdays, Halloween, showers, babies - you name it - It really doesn't take as long as one would think but I think something handmade and personalized is nice to give.
2.) I go for a pedicure every two weeks - no matter what - and if my girl is busy I'll wait for her- I've even waited as long as 45 min. It makes me feel good and I like nice toes. (we'll see if this last now that Payton's here)
3.) I have a shoe fetish. I have a pair of shoes for everything you could think of. You can barely see my closet floor.
4.) I knew all but one of my great-grandmothers - and they were all alive well into my teens - my mom's grandma used to call me peanut.
5.) I work with all men - and I like it. There's no drama.
6.) My dream job in life is to rescue dogs and find them homes. If only I didn't need an income, had a lot of disposable money, and a lot of land to have them all on.
7.) I like commercials - sometimes better then the TV shows.
OK - so I know that was kinda boring - but there they are anyway. You are suppose to tag more people - but since Erica and Kora have already been tagged - and I don't know anyone else with a blog - I guess it ends with me.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
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