We have finally arrived at Week 40! And we are only 3 days away from our Due Date!!!
Friday at the Dr. office the Dr. said that I was still only about 2 cm. dilated but she could feel her head.
She also did some thing where they strip your membranes. It is suppose to help bring on labor.
Well, this was all as of Friday Morning - and now it's Sunday and no sign of labor what-so-ever!
I went out and did some shopping on Saturday and walked and walked and walked - and nothing.
Then today I cleaned up around the house and still nothing.
So I am going to go to work tomorrow and make sure everything is taken care of there - and I guess I will go to work everyday until she comes.
If she doesn't come by Wednesday, which is the Due Date, then on Friday I have to go to the Dr.'s office and have another ultrasound to make sure everything is good and the fluid levels are fine and then schedule to be induced on Tuesday.
So - at least there is light at the end of this tunnel - we will defiantly have a baby by next week.
We are sooooo ready. Drew has been home all last week because he didn't want to be too far away at work and I know he is super anxious but he has been a huge help around the house and with the chores. I really am married to the best man in the world.
So.... stay tuned...... she will be here any day now.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
Yea! I've been checking in for an update. Sorry things aren't progressing quicker (and I'm even sorrier they stripped your membranes), but precious little Payton will be in here in her (and God's) prefect timing.
There are lots of people that have been in your exact same shoes...and we know exactly how you feel- these feelings won't be forgotten. Hang in there. She's totally worth it!
Hey Krystal, I just wanted to see how you were doing and tell you good luck. Believe me I know what you are going through! I hope little Payton comes on her own so you don't have to be induced, but if not I know you will do great! Just remember no matter what you have to go through it will all melt away as soon as you hold your baby girl in your arms! It's the most amazing thing you will ever experience. Well good luck and I can't wait to see pics! I know you have your mom and friends with kids but always remember I am here if you need ANY advice!
Love, Janel
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