Well, Today is Oct. 18 - and officially 3 days past our due date. Still no signs of Miss Payton making her grand entrance into the world.
If she doesn't come over the weekend - then on Tuesday night we go to the hospital at 8:00 and they will start the process of induction.
So maybe just maybe she will come tonight, Sunday or Monday on her own. Keep your fingers crossed.
But anyway you look at it - she will defiantly be here by Wednesday.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
Aww Krystal I really wish you the best of luck.. Reading all your posts almost made me cry. I am just so excited for you and Drew to be becomming parents. You guys are going to raise a beautiful baby girl. I just know that you have to be excited beyond belief. I hope that everything goes really well for you and payton and nothing complicated happens. Have Kimmie keep me updated.. I'm just dying to know when my baby cousin is going to get here!! I wish I could be there with you!!
Take care - I love you!
I am so happy for you all! Payton is so beautiful! Doesn't it just take your breath away every time you look at her? Enjoy every minute you have to hold her, hug her, and look at her... the time goes soooo fast! Take good care of your little girl and yourself! Oh, and don't forget about Drew too:) Make sure you give her a great big hug and kiss from her Aunt Debbi from the "North":) I can't wait unitl I get to hold her! Hugs and kisses to all of you, Love ya, Aunt Debbi
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