It was a busy Mother's Day! We went to church with Grandma E. first thing Sunday morning. Payton "sang" through church. She loves to sing and she loves the choir at church. She doesn't however like silence I guess, because everytime it got quite she started "singing" again. Finally when the sermon started we went to the nursery.
Then after church we went to John & Kathy's house for lunch. We had some yummy sandwiches, and gave Grandma K. her finger painting. She loved it of course.
We made a quick pit stop at home for a quick nap and to change our clothes.
For dinner we headed over to Grammy and Papa's house. We cooked some fabulous lasagna and Greek salad. We gave Grammy her painting and apologized for the mess the day before in her kitchen sink. I don't think she minds.
Finally we were home bound for some quite time together.
I am so thankful to be a mother. I know what a blessing Payton really is to our family. She is such a good baby and has such a great personality. I am a lucky lucky mom to have a happy, healthy, spunky little girl. I try to take the ups with downs and find humor and happiness in each day with her.
The best part of the day was when Drew got out the guitar and sang some sweet songs. And of course Payton sang along! She is after all her Daddy's child and how could there be music and her not sing. I love that about both of them. If there's music then they're happy.
Plus, don't tell Drew but him playing the guitar is the real reason I ever decided to go on a date with him in the first place.
Here's some sweet pictures of my two songbirds having their Sunday Night Sing-Along!

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