Thursday, October 30, 2008
It's been a week Already?? Seriously???
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Our Angel is Finally Here!!!!
We went to the hospital on Tuesday night to be induced. They started a medicine called Cervidil to help soften the cervix and help to dilate. It was a 12 hour process and there was still no progress. Then they started a medicine called Cytotec - which they give to you in three different doeses. By the second dose my contractions were really getting strong. They ended up giving me pain medicine through my IV. I was still not dilated any further then a 2. They started the third dose and it made my contractions really constant and really painful. But still not any further then 3 cm. They gave me my epidural and then started Petocin to see if I could dilate any further. About 3 hours after the start of Petocin - my blood pressure started dropping - at one point it was as low as 75/32. The baby was starting to have an erratic heartbeat and starting to get stressed out. They stopped the Petocin to see if my blood pressure would stabilize and then stabilize the baby. It wasn't making much of a change so they gave me a shot of ephedrine to help raise my blood pressure. At this point they had switched from the external monitors to internal monitors but couldn't get a good reading. The baby was still up and down with her heartbeat. So they decided to do an emergency C-Section. Everything went well in surgery and when she finally came out she was perfect.
So.... 33 hours of labor - but a perfect little angel was born.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Due Date - A Thing of the PAST!!!
If she doesn't come over the weekend - then on Tuesday night we go to the hospital at 8:00 and they will start the process of induction.
So maybe just maybe she will come tonight, Sunday or Monday on her own. Keep your fingers crossed.
But anyway you look at it - she will defiantly be here by Wednesday.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Week 40 - Is She Going to Come on Her Own?
Friday at the Dr. office the Dr. said that I was still only about 2 cm. dilated but she could feel her head.
She also did some thing where they strip your membranes. It is suppose to help bring on labor.
Well, this was all as of Friday Morning - and now it's Sunday and no sign of labor what-so-ever!
I went out and did some shopping on Saturday and walked and walked and walked - and nothing.
Then today I cleaned up around the house and still nothing.
So I am going to go to work tomorrow and make sure everything is taken care of there - and I guess I will go to work everyday until she comes.
If she doesn't come by Wednesday, which is the Due Date, then on Friday I have to go to the Dr.'s office and have another ultrasound to make sure everything is good and the fluid levels are fine and then schedule to be induced on Tuesday.
So - at least there is light at the end of this tunnel - we will defiantly have a baby by next week.
We are sooooo ready. Drew has been home all last week because he didn't want to be too far away at work and I know he is super anxious but he has been a huge help around the house and with the chores. I really am married to the best man in the world.
So.... stay tuned...... she will be here any day now.