And I know Payton loved being held by her great-grandma. My grandma is a very special person to me. She used to watch me when I was little and even when I wasn't so little. My grandparents have lived over 1000 miles away from me for most of my life - but I never felt like they were really that far. We used to fly up for holidays and summer time vacations and we would spend weekends there when Drew lived in Chicago- but now that I've gotten older I don't get to go up there nearly as much. And I miss that. But I know that she's always just a phone call away - weather I need a recipe or advice on something - or just need to chat with her. I am so glad that they were able to come down - I hope that my little girl will get a chance to enjoy my grandma like I have - and I hope that she has as close of a relationship with my mom as I do with my grandma.
* and yes the princess never woke up - no matter what we tried.

krystal this is grandma lewis we got the pictures and your write up.>they are neat.
love you grandpa
love you
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