Then after that yummy dinner we opened our presents. I got so many toys. My favorites are two doggies that sing. I also got some cute clothes from my Aunts. They sure have good taste when they pick out clothes - not like my mommy who makes me wear dresses. I also got a really neat toy for my crib that makes lights on the ceiling. So many presents. I am one lucky girl.
Then I started to get fussy so my Papa bounced me for a while and then I went to sleep so the grown ups could do whatever it is that grown ups do.
Then I woke up on Christmas day at my own house. Isn't it funny how you can fall asleep at Grammy's and wake up at home. Anyway - Santa came to see me and boy I must have been a good girl because I got toys, and clothes, and a doodle bug bathing suit, and three pairs of shoes. But I didn't get a pink pony like I asked Santa for - maybe he thinks I am still too little.
Then it was off to my Grandma K. and Grandpa J.'s house. I told you it was one busy Christmas but so worth it. After all my napping I was so playful at Grandma's house. I got some great gifts, but my Daddy was the most fun toy of all. I was so silly and giggly.
And then..... it was time to go home and say our prayers for all our blessings and the blessing of Christmas. We missed everyone so much who we didn't get to see and we wish you all a Happy New Year!