We sure had a lot of celebrating to do! Here is our run down of Christmas Events!
The Sunday before Christmas and Grandma Kathy and Grandpa John's house with the Reese side.
Payton liked opening all the presents......
And Kate liked showing Payton what to do with all of them!
And Cole liked the wrapping!
These three are a hoot together - they played and played and played and it was so fun to watch!
The Christmas Eve it was off to Grammy & Papa's house for more presents, a yummy dinner and lots of fun!
Payton liked helping open all the gifts - she even wanted to keep some of Aunt Mimi's presents for herself!

It took awhile to get ALL the presents open since she tore little strips at a time. But each time she got so excited so we stayed cracked up watching her the whole time.

She even played Santa and gave everyone their packages!
It took awhile to get ALL the presents open since she tore little strips at a time. But each time she got so excited so we stayed cracked up watching her the whole time.
She was so excited at all the presents in the living room
Santa sure knows Peeps - clothes, pillows, and play food what more could a girl ask for!

I told you she was excited she even put down the paci.
Then she opened her gifts from us....
And amidst all those toys her favorite present was an Olivia book!

Here's my little cupcake getting ready to help me with breakfast in her new apron that Santa brought!
And after a quick morning nap....she woke up to find Grandpa John, Grandma Kathy, Grandma E, Aunt Kenley and Kenley's Drew all waiting to eat a yummy breakfast!
The girl can down some grits - I swear she'd eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner if we'd let her!

I told you she was excited she even put down the paci.
Then on to opening more presents! I don't know what she's going to think this week when there are no presents to be opened - the child's been opening gifts for weeks now between her birthday, Cole's birthday and Christmas!
Whose child is this - taking a shot from a teacup! Did Daddy teach you that Payton?

Oh, and don't forget our in depth conversations in jibber jabber with Drew whenever he's around - I wonder what she's really saying to him!
Then Christmas Night we headed back to Grammy & Papa's to see the Monsrud's and Aunt Randi-Lynn.....
Oh, and don't forget our in depth conversations in jibber jabber with Drew whenever he's around - I wonder what she's really saying to him!
and of course to open more presents!

She was so excited she wanted Josh to open it right then and there!
But I think I know who received the best Christmas present of all! Papa! Payton sure gave him one great big hug - and it lasted for at least 5 minuets. She was not letting go - and she just kept smiling and saying Papa! You know it was exactly what he asked Santa for too!
Hope everyone enjoyed Christmas as much as we did! We sure are blessed with a great family and wonderful friends!