Last Sunday, it was nice and sunny outside - a break from all this rain we've been having! Drew and Dad were heading out to the property to reposition the deer cameras and cut down a few trees.
Payton and I decided to tag along. We had a good time exploring nature together. She sure loves to be outside!

And even played on daddy's big four-wheeler!

She loved touching and picking things up. She loved touching all the trees. She must have told me "oooohhhh mamamama" a hundred times. It was so sweet and so fun to watch her explore.

We played in the leaves......

Picked up sticks.....

Picked up acorns....

Found really neat pink rocks.....

Picked lots and lots of leaves.....

Looked at all kinds of animal prints. Kind of cool that there were this many different animal prints in one spot.

We played in the leaves......

Picked up sticks.....

Picked up acorns....

Found really neat pink rocks.....

Picked lots and lots of leaves.....

Looked at all kinds of animal prints. Kind of cool that there were this many different animal prints in one spot.