It's hard to believe how fast a year can go by. Too fast - I'm sure if you ask any parent. Payton turning 1 is a little bittersweet. If only they could stay little forever.
Here's the precious angle we brought home a year ago.
And here's our sweet 1 year old princess! Hard to believe she's a year old already.
We played dress up......
We opened presents, well more like Mommy, Carsyn and Kate opened presents and Payton played with them once they were open. But who doesn't like to open presents, the three of us sure enjoyed it.
There was so much to look at and play with - it was a little overwhelming I think.
But then Daddy brought it the best present ever! Payton's very own pink Barbie four-wheeler. She loves to sit on Drew's and push the buttons and start it - so this was a huge surprise to her - jut look at the expression on her face - and imagine her saying "oooohhhh"
And why wait - let's ride it now - in Grammy's house!
Then we had cake. The cake was so beautiful and so yummy. (Thanks Grammy for getting an awesome cake)
Payton wasn't too sure about the cake, I don't think she liked the frosting on her hands because she kept tyring to fling it off. I think more wound up on the floor then in her mouth.
Then Carsyn showed Payton how yummy the cake was if you ate it instead of threw it.
Tookie's always looking out for her Peeps!
And it looked like so much fun - Kate wanted in on the action too! The girls were so cute!
We love cousin Cole so much!
And Grandpa John was there too!

And Great-Grandma & Grandpa Lewis came all the way from Michigan for the party.....

And Great-Grandpa Barney from Michigan was there too!
And after the party was over -it sure was nice to sit with Papa and relax!
And then Grammy put me down for a much needed nap!
And Great-Grandma & Grandpa Lewis came all the way from Michigan for the party.....
And Great-Grandpa Barney from Michigan was there too!
Whew what a day! It was so much fun - the Party was great! Thanks for all of you who came and all the fabulous gifts you gave Payton - the playroom is full to the gills! Thanks for everyone who helped to make it a success! And we missed all of you who couldn't be there!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!