Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Congratulations Uncle Justin

We headed out to Milledgeville on Saturday to watch Uncle Justin receive his College Diploma!

What an accomplishment! For someone to keep HOPE (for all you non GA residents-is a state scholarship based on grade point average) miss almost an entire semester of school after being in a motorcycle accident, take summer classes, work a job, pay his own way through school, and still graduated on time and will honors - what a HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT! We are so very proud of him!
We headed to the ceremony at a bright and early 8:45 AM!

By 9:30 Payton was fast asleep - and wouldn't let anyone but Grammy hold her! She slept through all 1000+ graduates!

Finally it was Justin's turn! Kimmie and I elbowed our way to the front of the reserved seating to get some awesome pictures! Hey you only get to experience this once in your life and a few dirty looks were worth getting these pictures!

Then when everyone was done and cheering and trowing their hats - Peeps woke up - and she wanted a "nack"!

After graduation we headed back towards Justin's parents house and had a cookout!
Everyone is so very proud of Justin! Congrats - We love You!

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